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The 10 Strongest Taijutsu Users In 'Naruto'

Taijutsu is a basic form of techniques and refers to any techniques involving the martial arts or the optimisation of natural human abilities. Taijutsu is executed by directly accessing the user's physical and mental energies, relying on the stamina and strength gained through training. It typically does not require chakra, though chakra may be used to enhance its techniques. Taijutsu generally requires no hand seals to perform, occasionally making use of certain stances or poses, and are far quicker to use than ninjutsu or genjutsu. Taijutsu is simply put: hand-to-hand combat. Although it is used by nearly all ninja, only a few of them use it as their primary fighting style and who are experts of many taijutsu techniques. So lets count down such Ninjas who have mastered the art of Taijutsu.

10. Might Duy

Might Duy was a shinobi of Konohagakure and the father of Might Guy. Duy possessed great physical condition and prowess in taijutsu, allowing him to open all Eight Gates, although he spent twenty years mastering it.

While admitting to it being his only achievement, Duy was competent enough with his abilities to teach the kinjutsu to his son and later using it to fend off the entire Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist and kill four of its members.

9. Shira

Shira is a chūnin of Sunagakure. Because of his lack of the other two main ninja skills, Shira instead honed his taijutsu prowess to masterful levels, which became the sole focus of his fighting style. 

Shira possesses a great amount of physical strength, being able to send an opponent flying with a single kick and steady his body as an effective defence against other attacks. He also possesses blazing speed on par with Lee without his weights, unaided by techniques or chakra enhancement. As noted by Neji, because of his larger frame, he has very high stamina and endurance, being able to withstand enemy blows much easier than most.

8. Killer B

Killer B is a shinobi from Kumogakure. Killer B would rather be renowned for his rap prowess than for his taijutsu, but he's a whole lot better at taijutsu than making music. Specifically, he uses disturbance taijutsu to attack his opponent with extreme speed from multiple locations.

The movements are incredibly difficult to track. Killer B also favors wrestling moves, putting his enormous muscles to good use. 

7. Tsunade

Tsunade is a kunoichi from Konohagakure and is a former Hokage. Out of the Legendary Sannin, Tsunade is perhaps the best known for her skills in taijutsu. She possess an incredible power that allows her to put cracks in the ground with a single finger, beat her teammates Jiraiya and Orochimaru, and break through Sasuke's ultimate defense, Susanoo.

6. Kimimaro 

Kimimaro was the sole survivor of the Kaguya clan. Kimimaro's abilities made him well suited for close-range combat fighting, demonstrating tremendous taijutsu skills combined with equally impressive speed, agility, and dexterity. Kimimaro combined his Shikotsumyaku and taijutsu capabilities to form many deadly "dances". Lee, a taijutsu specialist, admitted that Kimimaro was a taijutsu master who does not waste a single movement. 

5. Itachi Uchiha

Itachi Uchiha was a member of the Uchiha Clan of Konohagakure. Although not his preferred method of combat, Itachi was very skilled with taijutsu – enough to easily defeat three members of the Konoha Military Police Force at the age of thirteen. He had impressive speed and reflexes. Itachi also had notable physical strength, able to block an attack from a Samehada-wielding Kisame with nothing but a kunai.

4. Neji Hyûga

Neji Hyūga was a member of Konohagakure's Hyūga clan. With the Byakugan, Neji could see individuals' chakra pathway systems and the 361 tenketsu that run along it. Using the Hyūga's signature Gentle Fist fighting style, he could attack an opponent's chakra system directly, constricting or cutting off their chakra flow from only minimal contact. Because the chakra pathway system is closely intertwined with many of the body's major organs, debilitating and even fatal damage can be done just as easily. While Gentle Fist strikes are by default difficult to defend against, Neji's speed, precision, and general taijutsu prowess made him especially formidable at close range, requiring opponents to keep their distance if they hoped to compete with him. Even at a distance, however, Neji's Byakugan and keen reflexes made him difficult to hit.

3. Rock Lee

Rock Lee is a shinobi of Konohagakure's Lee clan. Since discovering he has no talent for ninjutsu and genjutsu, Lee has made it his life's dream to become a famous ninja who uses taijutsu. With gruelling training and unwavering support from Might Guy, Lee developed great proficiency in the art, becoming a taijutsu master as a child using the Strong Fist fighting style. Lee's arduous training has given him strength great enough to unearth a massive tree root from the ground, and speed fast enough to outpace a two-tomoe Sharingan. In the anime, due to Lee's extensive training, he has shown to be able to run and fight even while unconscious or asleep, using nothing but pure muscle memory. As an adult, Lee is considered to be one of Konoha's best taijutsu users. 

2. Madara Uchiha

Madara Uchiha was the legendary leader of the Uchiha clan. Madara was incredibly skilled in taijutsu. During his confrontation with the Fourth Division, he defeated hundreds of opponents with taijutsu, disarming and dodging attacks from many directions. He could strike with precision before his opponent could react, and overpower individuals twice his size. 

1. Might Guy

Might Guy is a jōnin of Konohagakure and the Greatest Taijutsu user in the series. Because he's knew that he wasn't suited for ninjutsu and genjutsu since he was very young, Guy has been able to dedicate his life to taijutsu; his father, Duy, called this early knowledge of his own strengths and weaknesses a "virtue" most shinobi didn't have. By adulthood, Guy is a taijutsu master, of such skill that Madara Uchiha believes him to be unsurpassed. 

Guy's father taught him when he was a child how to open the Eight Gates, what Duy called the only thing he'd learned during his decades of training that was worth passing to Guy. With each gate he opens, Guy's physical speed, strength, and chakra levels increase; with each gate he opens, his body also takes more and more damage, with the opening of all eight gates causing eventual death. For this reason, Duy stipulated that the Eight Gates were only to be opened in order to protect something or someone precious, a philosophy Guy follows and that he also requires of Lee. Guy has been shown enduring the rigors caused by the gates for periods of time after using them, but inevitably he succumbs to the pain or exhaustion they cause.

This is it, I hope you enjoyed! Please leave your comments below!