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One Piece’ Chapter 925 Release Date, Spoilers!

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In One Piece chapter 924, we saw some real action. We saw what Kaido and his army can do. We saw how Kaido deals with his enemies and we also saw Luffy and Kidd meet once again. In short, the chapter was a real treat for the fans.

Soon the next chapter 925 will be released and we can't wait to share some of the spoilers with you, so if you are really brave enough to know what's going to happen in the chapter, continue reading!


Most fans are expecting that the stretchy pirate will just escape from prison with the help of his cellmate or perhaps with Zoro and the rest mounting a rescue operation. This is not guaranteed, however, since Kaido is likely already hunting for Luffy’s companions. “One Piece Chapter 925” could even see the entire Straw Hats pirate crew smashed by the yonko.

There’s a chance that we will be moving back from the Reverie Arc that left us hanging a few months ago. There are still the mysteries regarding the pirate that Shanks was referring to and the powerful Im-sama who seems to command such respect to resolve.

There are also speculations that Kaido might go to war with Big Mom in “One Piece Chapter 925” over Luffy. The latter obviously wants the future king of the pirates dead for attempting to assassinate her while the former wants to make him his subordinate. With both these mighty figures being yonko, neither will likely back down.

Release Date:- 

One Piece Chapter 925” is expected to be released on November 26.