8f10b27c11f9cc24e4912ec9b765541fcdd7c9f0 The Reason Why Luffy Can’t Defeat The Admirals At This Time - Anime Blogs, News and many more The Reason Why Luffy Can’t Defeat The Admirals At This Time

The Reason Why Luffy Can’t Defeat The Admirals At This Time

Hey guys! In this post, I want to talk about Luffy's current power level and the reasons why he can not defeat Admirals at this time

I have seen a lot people say that Luffy is close or already at Admiral Level of power, but in my opinion, he is still not at their level. In the One Piece world, the Admirals are one of the most powerful people and the people closest to Yonko. I don't think anyone can defeat them except the Yonko.

I think the biggest reason that makes people disregard the Admirals and don't see how strong they are is because Whitebeard defeated Akainu pretty easily at Marineford. But remeber that Akainu literally made Whitebeard (the strongest man in the world), fall to his knees. Who else do you think can do that? Only another Yonko would have feasible chance of accomplishing such a feat. Even though Whitebeard was super ill and injured when Akainu did that but its still a big achievement. 

Also, a few minutes after being defeated, Akainu got up and chased after Luffy and Jinbe to stop them from escaping. Moreover, after taking all that damage from WB, he was attacked by Marco and Vista and they were not able to even damage him. All of these things make me believe that the Admirals are the closest people to the Yonko.

On the other hand, we all know that there is a large gap between the Yonko and their commanders. After defeating Katakuri, Luffy is now at the same level as a Yonko commander or maybe a little stronger. However, he will not be able to defeat the Admirals with that level at this time. 

This is it for now. Leave your comments below!